National Latin Exam Results at Highlands Latin School

National Latin Exam SM National Latin Exam CHBCThe National Latin Exam is offered under the joint sponsorship of The American Classical League and the National Junior Classical League, founded in 1919 and 1936 respectively, and headquartered at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.   More than 154,000 students from forty-nine states and seventeen foreign countries participated in the NLE in 2014.

The NLE has seven levels of difficulty with questions covering grammar, translation, Latin Sayings, English derivatives, and the history, culture, and geography of Rome.  The awards for the Intro level are certificates and ribbons. The Awards for Levels I through VI, are the following;

  • Cum laude certificate
  • Magna cum laude certificate
  • Maxima cum laude certificate and Silver Medal
  • Summa cum laude certificate and Gold Medal.

This year 263 Highlands Latin students sat for the National Latin Exams and 228 received awards for scoring above average.  81 students in the 5th and 6th grades took the Intro Exam and 64 received certificates. 182 Highlands Latin students sat for Exams in Levels I-V and 163 received awards including:

81 gold medals,    45%
47 silver medals,   26%
22 perfect papers.   8%

The national average for gold medals is 10% and 1.5% for perfect papers.

Another level of recognition for students who have earned four gold medals on exams I-IV is the Maureen O’Donnell Award of the Oxford Classical Dictionary. Six HLS students accomplished this remarkable achievement.

And lastly the American Classical League awards students who earn five gold medals or three perfect papers the Carte Stubbs Drake Goad Award of the Oxford Companion to Classical Literature. One HLS student received this award.


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