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Subject Materials Time-on-task/ week
Arithmetic Rod and Staff Arithmetic 3

5 hours

Latin Latina Christiana, Lingua Angelica

4 hours

Literature Farmer Boy, Charlotte’s Web, The Moffats, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, Memoria Press Study Guides

4 hours

Grammar/ PenmanshipSpelling/Composition English Grammar Recitation I, Spelling Workout D, Copybook Cursive II

4 ½  hours

Classical/Christian Studies D’Aulaires’ Greek Myths with Memoria Press study guide, Golden Children’s Bible with Memoria Press Christian Studies I guide)

3 hours

American/ Modern Studies States and Capitals, Memoria Press study guide

1 ½  hours

Science Constellations/Solar System with Memoria Press study guide

 1 ½  hours

Music Choir, Royal School of Church Music, Voice for Life, Book I

1 ½ hours

P.E. or recess Physical fitness and childhood games

 1 ½  hours