The Highlands Latin Extra

Artwork of Madison Rush selected for Team Kentucky Gallery at Capitol

In an impressive show of talent, the artwork of Madison Rush is on display in the state Capitol in Frankfort! The HLS seventh grader’s work was selected for the Fall 2022 Exhibition of the Governor’s Team Kentucky Art Gallery.  Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear and First Lady Britainy Beshear organized the exhibition to showcase Kentuckians’ artistic talents. “The […]

Four Highlands Latin Seniors Named 2023 National Merit Scholars

4 Highlands Latin School seniors get recognized as National Merit Scholars

Congratulations to four Highlands Latin School seniors recognized as National Merit Scholars! Trevor Kimbell, Michael LePrell, and Jane Singleton were named Semifinalists, and Allie Pierre was recognized as a Commended Student. The National Merit Scholarship program is the most prestigious national academic award for high school seniors. Less than 1% of college-bound seniors are recognized […]

Class of 2022 | Senior Stories

Growth in Personal Leadership Julianna Sizemore’s journey at Highlands Latin School has been an amazing story of personal growth and leadership. Julianna plans to attend Samford University to major in nursing and minor in nutrition, with the hope of later becoming a maternity nurse. “Even though it’s a small community, there are a lot of different […]

Mason Hartlage Accepted into Prestigious Gatton Academy

For the first time ever, a Highlands Latin School student has been accepted into The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science in Kentucky. Sophomore Mason Hartlage received the honor and will be leaving HLS and living on campus at Western Kentucky University enrolled full time in the program. “Going to HLS for the past four […]

Three HLS Teams Compete at Kentucky Science Olympiad

This past weekend, Highlands Latin School gave an outstanding performance at the Kentucky Science Olympiad State Tournament. HLS sent three teams to the competition and they all won either first or second place in their event. “They spent many hours in training and preparation and performed brilliantly,” teacher Anthony Hernandez said. The competition was held […]

22% of Highlands Latin Seniors Named National Merit Scholars

Congratulations to eight Highlands Latin School seniors recognized as National Merit Scholars.  Hans Kiesling, Kara Moran, Sydney Petrie, August Rothpletz, and Joseph Stachnik were named Semifinalists, and Jake Hamilton, Owen Meyer, and Jonny Steinrock were recognized as Commended Students.  These students, awarded for their performance on the PSAT, make up 22% of the senior class.  […]

Five Highlands Latin Seniors Honored By The National Merit Scholarship Program

Highlands Latin School is thrilled to announce that five HLS seniors were recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation for their impressive performance on the 2019 Preliminary SAT.  This year’s Semifinalists are Emily Steinbach and Judah Murdoch, in addition to Daniel Young, Jacob Fox, and Matt LePrell, who were named Commended Students.   According to a […]

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