The Highlands Latin Extra

Drama Troupe’s production of The Curious Savage

Students pose in their play costumes at Highlands Latin School Play Production

In just ten short weeks the HLS Drama Troupe put together two nights of impressive performances presenting The Curious Savage by John Patrick. A comedic play centered around a woman named Ethel P. Savage (most commonly referred to as Mrs. Savage), it is set in the 1950s America in the Cloisters, a bustling mental institute filled with many […]

Highlands Latin Community Lecture 2017 – John Granger

John Granger

“Truth & Beauty: Baptizing the Post-Modern Imagination” Highlands Latin School welcomed Mr. John Granger as the guest lecturer to this fall’s Community Lecture Series. As an author of multiple books and a lecturer on topics in literature, theology, and philosophy, Mr. Granger is best known for his analysis of the Harry Potter series. He has even been referred […]

Why Study Latin? 20% of HLS Seniors Recognized by National Merit Scholarship Corporation

Highlands Latin School sign sits outside of a building in Louisville, KY

Highlands Latin School would like to congratulate four HLS Class of 2018 seniors being recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation for their scores on the 2016 PSAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Congratulations to Semifinalist Matthew Rouse and to Commended Students Katelyn Miller, Helen Mariah Murdoch, and Maggie Roy. These four seniors join the ranks of many […]

Early Accolades for Five HLS Seniors

5 students pose for photo recognizing them for being involved in AP Latin

“Why study Latin?” is a question we often hear. We defend this question by explaining how Latin expands vocabulary, provides a deeper learning of grammar, and simply challenges and develops the mind. Our students embark on this challenging but rewarding journey in second grade. Students enrolled in AP Latin, which focuses on two of the greatest […]

Highlands Latin – 2017 Recitations and Closing School Ceremony

2017 HLS Closing School Ceremony 2017 HLS Upper School Recitations 2017 HLS Grammar School Recitations – Crescent Hill 2017 HLS Grammar School Recitations – Spring Meadows 2017 HLS Primary Recitations – Crescent Hill 2017 HLS Primary Recitations – Spring Meadows 2017 HLS Junior Kindergarten Recitations

Highlands Latin 2017 Graduation

Another school year has come to an end, we congratulate the senior class of 2017. Our hope is that your time at Highlands Latin School has prepared you to leave this place and change the world. Below are the highlights. 9 min 45 sec: Tanner Petrie’s riveting commencement speech 24 min: Mr. Wheatley’s individual address to the […]

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