R10 Summer Latin Review
Henle’s Third Year Latin includes a review of crucial syntax and grammar concepts, but reviewing vocabulary and forms over the summer is a simple way to hang on to the basics before you begin translating Cicero in the fall.
Being familiar with the Henle II vocabulary (which is used all year in Caesar) is one of the most important ways to review before Cicero. You may find a list of Henle II’s vocabulary in the “Classified Word List” on pages 551-584 or by clicking the link below. To make this more manageable, begin by reviewing three pages a week.
You have learned almost all Latin forms at this point: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and many verbals. You have used them to translate Caesar, and you will continue to use them in reading Cicero. Attached below are blank form drills and synopsis sheets that are helpful in reviewing these forms. An old Fourth Form book will have models of all of these forms in the back (Grammar Forms pp. 102-127), as will your Henle Grammar Book (on pages 5-81) and the link below. Even doing one synopsis and declining a few nouns or pronouns a week would make a difference!
If you would like more grammar review, see the Review Plan link below.