GET A STUDENT ID. If you will not have some form of ID for junior year, consider placing a Student ID order with your school picture order in preparation for taking the ACT or SAT next year.
CONTINUE UPDATING YOUR JOURNAL (CHRONICLING YOUR 9TH-12TH GRADE YRS). Revisit the Detailed Freshman College Planning Timeline. Continue (or start) to list all extra-curricular activities, honors, and awards. Be specific about the details of each. Record your time commitment, list your responsibilities with active verbs, and give a short reflection about what you learned. This will help with future applications!
CONTINUE LEARNING ABOUT COLLEGES. Attend College Admission Counselor visits & College Fairs (virtual and / or in person). Additionally, visit college websites, read their mission statement, and explore their programs. Collect any pertinent available and helpful information and then add this to your “college file” (a place you collect and organize everything college). Read emails from the Office of College Counseling and continue to explore the College Counseling Menu on HLS College Counseling’s home page.
Fall / Winter:
CONTINUE TO DO WELL IN YOUR CLASSES. Sophomore year is another year that contributes to your cumulative GPA, seen on your transcript, which will be sent to colleges. Be intentional about your relationship with your teachers. Do not forget they are your future letter-of-recommendation-writers.
TAKE THE PSAT: The PSAT of your sophomore year is the “practice” round for the PSAT/ NMSQT of your junior year. The PSAT/NMSQT in the fall of your junior year acts as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (though the sophomore and junior PSAT is the same). Your score as a sophomore will be an indicator of your future success on the PSAT and even SAT next year.
STAY COMMITTED TO YOUR EXTRA CURRICULARS & CONTINUE TO TRY NEW THINGS. Colleges are looking for your ability to commit and your effort to challenge yourself. Maintain extracurriculars you have and love and try new ones that pique your interest.
PLAN FOR SUMMER AND APPLY WHEN NECESSARY. Consider applying for camps, summer programs, work opportunities, or volunteer services that require applications. These kinds of applications are typically due in the winter and early spring months. Look for some of these opportunities from the homepage of HLS College Counseling.
Spring / Summer:
CONFIRM SUMMER PLANS: Work, volunteer, camps / programs / classes, beginning or investigating a new hobby/interest/skill etc.
TAKE THE CLT10: this test is an alternative to the PSAT & ACT Aspire and prepares students for the full CLT (Classic Learning Test- an alternative to the SAT & ACT). The CLT is accepted as the entrance test to more than 250 colleges, including many closely aligned with Highlands Latin.
SCHEDULE YOUR RISING JUNIOR SPRING MEETING. Watch for announcements regarding rising junior spring meetings with your College Counselor and signup. We will discuss your academics, extracurriculars, interests, and future.
MAKE YOUR SUMMER COUNT! Fill your summer with activities like reading, working, volunteering, taking a summer course, participating in a summer program, acquiring and / or continuing to grow in a (new) hobby, skill, or interest.