You may have noticed our garden filling out. This is in no small part due to the horticultural talents of Michael Diaz. He has single handedly taken it from an idea to a beautiful garden with a variety of vegetables to be enjoyed by everyone at HLS. Michael will be moving to Florida this summer […]
Monthly Archives: May 2012
Introducing the “First Fruits” from the HLS Garden ….you shall take some of the first of all the fruit of the ground, which you harvest from your land that the Lord your God is giving you, and you shall put it in a basket… Deuteronomy 26:2
Stuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroni…or in this case Mom’s Macaroni and Cheese. Oodles of noodles and chock full of cheese this meal is always sure to please. This delightful pasta shares the plate with at Waldorf salad, brownie, barbeque hot dogs and yes,…a 7 legged hot dogapus*. *Garnish used for […]
In a tribute to our Kentucky heritage, we served Hot Browns, Citrus Salad, and “Run for the Roses” Cupcakes. Hot Browns were created by the head chef of the Brown Hotel here in Louisville. Similar to it’s tradition, we layered Turkey, mornay sauce, parmesan, tomato, and bacon atop half of an english muffin. […]
Congratulations to 10th grader Matthew Zolla and 11th grader Joshua Steinbach, who were recently accepted to the 2013 Kentucky’s Governor’s School for the Arts program! Matthew and Joshua, both selected for their talent in Vocal Music, will spend three weeks participating in intense arts instruction at Transylvania University in […]