Category Archives: Academics

24% of 2019 Senior Class Recognized by National Merit Scholarship Corporation

Highlands Latin School sign sits outside of a building in Louisville, KY

Highlands Latin School would like to congratulate 24% (5 of the 21) of the HLS Class of 2019 for being recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation for their performance on the 2017 PSAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test.

Horatius Society: Thirty-eight HLS Sixth Graders recite all of Horatius at the Bridge.

2018 Horatius society signatures

Each school year at Highlands Latin School, as a portion of classical studies the sixth-grade class learns 24 stanzas of Horatius at the Bridge, the poem by Thomas Babington and Lord Macaulay.

Highlands Latin Community Lecture 2017 – John Granger

John Granger

“Truth & Beauty: Baptizing the Post-Modern Imagination” Highlands Latin School welcomed Mr. John Granger as the guest lecturer to this fall’s Community Lecture Series. As an author of multiple books and a lecturer on topics in literature, theology, and philosophy, Mr. Granger is best known for his analysis of the Harry Potter series. He has even been referred […]

Why Study Latin? 20% of HLS Seniors Recognized by National Merit Scholarship Corporation

Highlands Latin School sign sits outside of a building in Louisville, KY

Highlands Latin School would like to congratulate four HLS Class of 2018 seniors being recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation for their scores on the 2016 PSAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Congratulations to Semifinalist Matthew Rouse and to Commended Students Katelyn Miller, Helen Mariah Murdoch, and Maggie Roy. These four seniors join the ranks of many […]

Early Accolades for Five HLS Seniors

5 students pose for photo recognizing them for being involved in AP Latin

“Why study Latin?” is a question we often hear. We defend this question by explaining how Latin expands vocabulary, provides a deeper learning of grammar, and simply challenges and develops the mind. Our students embark on this challenging but rewarding journey in second grade. Students enrolled in AP Latin, which focuses on two of the greatest […]

Horatius Society: Forty-nine HLS Sixth Graders recite all of Horatius at the Bridge.

A time-honored tradition at Highlands Latin School each year is the recitation of Horatius at the Bridge. As a portion of their classical studies, the sixth-grade class learns 24 stanzas of the poem by Thomas Babington and Lord Macaulay. Students seeking Horatius-like glory have the option to memorize all 70 stanzas (16 pages, 589 lines, 3201 words). This […]

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