Tag Archives: hallelujah chorus

2019 Highlands Latin School Christmas Cantata

A spotlight shines on a violin player at the HLS Christmas Cantata with blue lights illuminating the walls and crowds in the seats of church rows

Each year, family and friends look forward to the HLS Christmas Cantatas. Under the direction of Dr. Louie Bailey, Mrs. Rhonda Hibdon, and Mrs. Jennifer Gilcreast, the HLS student choirs tell the Christmas story with scriptures and song.

2017 Highlands Latin School Christmas Cantata Videos

Students sing at the Highlands Latin school Christmas Cantata

Every year, family and friends look forward to the HLS Christmas Cantatas. Under the direction of Dr. Louie Bailey, Mrs. Rhonda Hibdon, and Mrs. Jennifer Gilcreast, the HLS student choirs tell the Christmas story with scriptures and song. Highlands Latin Upper School Cantata Please enjoy our other cantatas below: Images of the Upper School Cantata […]

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