The Highlands Latin Extra

HLS Science Olympiad Team Competes in the Regional Science Olympiad

The Highlands Latin School Science Olympiad team competed at the Regional Science Olympiad competition hosted at DuPont Manual High School on Saturday, March 17.  First place regional honors were awarded to Worden Barr (Forestry), Maddie Lange and Logan Crum (Meteorology).  Hannah Thibaudeau, Maddie O’Dea, and Mary Lessie Aguilera received second place in Tower Building.  Third […]

Arroz Con Pollo

This has been one our lunchroom favorites this year.  Arroz con pollo, means  “Rice with Chicken” in spanish and is a classic Latin American dish.   The chicken has been roasted to just the right crispness and lays atop a bed of turmeric infused rice.  We coupled this entree with southern green beans and as […]

Breakfast for Lunch

On March 29th we selected a new dish for Breakfast for Lunch.  It consisted of *Hunters Eggs-English muffin topped with a sliced hard-boiled egg and a thin white cheese sauce, hash browns, fruit with vanilla yogurt and delicious scratch cinnamon rolls. *After a long day in the woods, hunters would come back and enjoy this […]

Two of Seven Highlands Latin Seniors Named National Merit Semi-Finalists

Two out of seven Highlands Latin School seniors were named National Merit Semi-Finalists this year.   Congratulations to Anna Getman and Cathleen Gendron on receiving one of the most prestigious honors for high school seniors.  Nationally, only the top 1% of the 1.5 million students taking the PSAT are recognized as National Merit Semi-Finalists each year, and […]

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